The first lawyer in his family, David felt a sense of justice and a calling to go after bullies at an early age. He’s had a job since he was fifteen, from flipping burgers and washing dishes to auto parts sales and construction, but he always wanted to be a lawyer helping people.
After graduating from Texas A&M University, David worked as a claims adjuster for a major insurance company, where he learned how they operate. His colleagues couldn't understand why he would always try to find ways to help people instead of trying to minimize their claims--he realized he was on the wrong side.
Eventually, he was able to attend law school at South Texas College of Law Houston. “I now see people and small businesses through some of the scariest and most stressful times of their lives. I love working for my people, not big insurance companies with unlimited resources. I think it has something to do with my name being David—I just can’t help but want to stand up to and defeat the Goliaths of the world.”
David has since represented hundreds of satisfied clients. His favorite thing about what he does is helping his clients to feel less worried and less alone in an all-too-often cold and complicated system.
David is truly passionate about helping his people get what they deserve. Oftentimes he can reach an agreement with the other side without going to court. However, if it’s a fight they want, David will give them a fight they may live to regret.
“I believe there to be no more fulfilling work than helping my brothers and sisters in need level the playing field against the powerful, which is why I do what I do.”
JD, South Texas College of Law Houston
BBA, Texas A&M University College Station
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